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Review: Sweetens Cove – Kennessee

Sweetens Cove - Kennessee










Sweetens Cove – Kennessee
Age: NAS
Distillery: Sourced & Blended – TN and KY
Type: Blended Whiskey finished with Toasted Maple Wood
Unknown – Blended
Website: Sweetens Cove Spirits Company

*Disclaimer: A score of 5 is the midpoint for my reviews. Above 5 I like it. Below 5 I didn’t for some reason. Most of my reviews are between 4-7. It takes something really really special to go above 7 or below 4. See the methodologies for rating at the end of the article

Nose: Stone Fruits, Caramel, Maple, Butter Pecan, & White Pepper. Ethanol Heat is present.

Taste/Palate: Sweet, Rich, and Creamy. You get a quick burst of heat from the alcohol, but it’s mild based on it’s 110 proof. Vanilla Custard, Maple, Cherries & Apricots.

Finish: There’s a tiny bit of spice that comes forward in the finish – Herbal and Cinnamon. There’s also some young woody notes – Cigar Box.

Verdict: This comes off as young and sweet on the nose. It was a bit of a surprise when the palate and finish was warm and inviting especially given the impression from the nose and the proof. This is a solid blend that appears to be tamed by finishing with some toasted maple wood. This is pretty solid, but be prepared for sweet and slightly young. This is similar to some of the maple finishes I reviewed from Iron Fish and Eastern Kille. I think this blend is my favorite of the 3, but it’s not miles ahead. Put it in the Breakfast whiskey category. Do not expect this to deliver age and complexity, but it’s a solid blend at face value.

The Story: I’m a huge Peyton Manning fan. When I was 5 years old I picked the Colts as my team because I liked their colors. This is long before Peyton was at the Colts mind you. I cheered for the Colts back in the Jeff George & Jim Harbaugh days. Peyton joined the league in 1998 and was the starting QB. He didn’t have a great year in 98′ but he sure did well 99 on. Why the heck am I talking about Peyton Manning? Well, if you read this far and you didn’t know already, Peyton is a part owner of Sweetens Cove Golf Course and Spirits Company.

This is my second impression of Sweetens Cove. The first was their premium release from 2021. This one was clearly designed to be targeted in the middle-market based on it’s $55 price point. Other premium variations of Sweetens Cove start at $150 and climb to almost $200 in the stores. I liked the proof, price point, and the maple finish which prompted the purchase. The name “Kennessee” is a funny homage to the 2 states that rival as the king of American whiskey. I say American Whiskey because Jack Daniels won’t claim to be Bourbon. The Kennessee nod is based on the blend of product from both states and the bottle displays “Rivals no more”. I doubt this bottle will bridge the rivalry, but it’s funny nonetheless.

The Distillery’s Story: Since Peyton’s retirement he has still been very active and in the spotlight. Between Monday Night Football commentary with his Brother Eli, Commercials, and a possible NFL ownership with Denver on the Horizon he also took his love of golf to the next level and opened a Golf Course in 2019 called Sweetens Cove with partners Tom Nolan, Andy Roddick, Rob Collins, Mark Rivers, and Skip Bronson.

Prior to the Celebrity ownership Sweetens Cove had a tradition of providing a complimentary shot of Whiskey on the first hole. The new ownership took the tradition further by sourcing and blending their own juice under their own, similarly named company, and offering that with the round. The first version of Sweetens Cove Bourbon was a source 13 year old Whiskey. The second version was a blended version of young and old juice. The early versions of Sweetens Cove Bourbon was only available in TN and was in limited supply. In it’s second year it is now expanding to additional states and is Currently available in CA, NJ, FL, NY, TX, CO, IN, TN, GA, IL, & LA at the time of this review.


Methodologies for Rating:
1. Dump it down the drain or regift it to someone you don’t care for.
2. This doesn’t even belong in a mixed drink. Use in case of an emergency.
3. It’s really not for me, but I heard some people like it.
4. Its only good when I’ve had too many and it’s decent in a mixer.
5. Average. Not bad, but not special.
6. Above average. Good to bring to an event and you wouldn’t expect any guff from it.
7. Buy two if you see it to make sure you have one on reserve.
8. Very Very good. Constantly a GREAT POUR.
9. Superb. If I were to drink this and only this from now on I’d be a happy person.
10. Perfection is impossible. But this really comes as close as you can possibly get.


Reviewer: David S
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