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Review: Oak & Eden – Wheat & Spire – Bourbon Whiskey

Oak & Eden - Wheat & Spire - Bourbon Whiskey








Value (MSRP)


Oak & Eden – Wheat & Spire – Bourbon Whiskey
Wheated Bourbon – French Oak Spire – Label Batch 0037 – Bottle No. 0732
Age: NAH – 2+ Years
Distillery: Bottled by Sanctified Spirits. Believe to be Distilled and aged by MGP
Type: Bourbon Whiskey Finished
(Estimated) 51% Corn, 45% Wheat, 4% Barley
Website: Oak & Eden

*Disclaimer: A score of 5 is the midpoint for my reviews. Above 5 I like it. Below 5 I didn’t for some reason. Most of my reviews are between 4-7. It takes something really really special to go above 7 or below 4. See the methodologies for rating at the end of the article


Color: I rarely comment on color, because I honestly don’t really care. But, in this review I feel it’s important because there’s a French Oak Spire in this bottle floating around. I have no idea how long this spire has been in the bottle prior to me sampling. So why color this time? This pour is a deep red amber and pretty darn dark. It’s possible if this is an old batch and there’s a fresh batch out there, this review might not hit home for you. If the color isn’t a deep amber you might get something different than I. (Pick vs Buffalo Trace below)

Nose: There’s a lot going on for the nose. It starts with Berry and Raisin followed by Oak and Cedar wood notes. The more you return to the nose the more the layers peel back. I also gather some Leather and Wheat Grain mixed in.

Taste/Palate: Buttery mouthfeel and it’s thick as it coats the mouth. The Dark Fruits pull through again and so does the Wheat Grain. From the first sip to the 2nd, 3rd, and so on the flavor profile does seem to change. It goes from a Thick Vanilla Custard to a medium mouthfeel with Spice. Cinnamon, Licorice, Mild Oak and Vanilla round out the palate.

Finish: The Wheat Grain and Sweet notes dominate the finish. Vanilla Custard returns and so does the Oak and Leather.

Verdict: To be honest I really enjoyed this. The best description I have is at the end of the single pour, I feel like I experienced a 3 pour flight. The nose, palate, and finish kept me guessing. There were times I thought youth of the juice might have shown through and then the next sip it was Oak and Leather leading the show.

The Story: The first and only review of Oak & Eden that I did was a year and a half ago. Now it is one of my most viewed reviews clocking in at almost 6000 hits. Since I enjoyed the Oak and Eden Bourbon and Spire I figured lets add another to the mix. I also like wheated bourbons… So win win right?

The Distillery’s Story: Oak and Eden’s entire lineup (Bourbon & Spire, 4 Grain & Spire, Wheat & Spire, Bourbon & Brew, Rye & Spire, Bourbon & Vine, Rye & Rumba, etc.) all have one thing in common. They have a “spire” of wood that’s placed in the bottle for additional aging. With this approach the bottle will still technically age while in transit, while sitting on the store shelf, and while sitting on your shelf in between tastes. Many companies do “finishing” of their bourbons; For example Angel’s Envy finishes in Port Barrels for their bourbon or Rum Barrels for their rye. I like the concept of bottle finishing and based on what I’m tasting the execution is solid. From what I’ve read they source their whiskey from MGP, which is very common these days, then they put their stamp on it and it’s unique!


Left: Oak & Eden – Wheat & Spire   Right: Buffalo Trace (6 years)



Methodologies for Rating:
1. Dump it down the drain or regift it to someone you don’t care for.
2. This doesn’t even belong in a mixed drink. Use in case of an emergency.
3. It’s really not for me, but I heard some people like it.
4. Its only good when I’ve had too many and it’s decent in a mixer.
5. Solid. It hit all of what’s expected.
6. Above average. Good to bring to an event and you wouldn’t expect any guff from it.
7. Buy two if you see it to make sure you have one on reserve.
8. Very Very good. Constantly a GREAT POUR.
9. Superb. If I were to drink this and only this from now on I’d be a happy person.
10. Perfection is impossible. But this really comes as close as you can possibly get.

Nose, Palate, and Finish I rank regardless of cost. Value (recent addition) is ranked based on taste vs price.


Reviewer: David S
Dave Pappy 23