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Review: Eastern Kille – Breakfast Rye – Maple Finished Rye Whiskey

Eastern Kille - Breakfast Rye - Maple Finished Rye Whiskey










Eastern Kille – Breakfast Rye – Maple Finished Rye Whiskey
Proof: 87
Age: NAS
Distillery: Eastern Kille
Type: Finished Rye Whiskey
Mash: Rye
Website: Eastern Kille
(MI Maple Head to Head results at the end of the article)

*Disclaimer: A score of 5 is the midpoint for my reviews. Above 5 I like it. Below 5 I didn’t for some reason. Most of my reviews are between 4-7. It takes something really really special to go above 7 or below 4. See the methodologies for rating at the end of the article

Nose: Upfront you get Maple, Clove, a little Black Pepper and Honey. Lemon zest at the end. There is very little to no alcohol present on the nose. It almost reminds me of smelling a honey whiskey glaze. It’s sweet, but the alcohol has been cooked out.

Taste/Palate: This is one of the thicker whiskies I’ve had recently. Thick and sweet. Again, I get a lot of Honey, Clove, and of course some Maple. There’s a little Rye spice at the end with mild Pepper.

Finish: You finally get some semblance of alcohol in the finish with a tiny bit of burn. The Clove and Maple shine through at the end with once again the Citrus Zest I found in the nose at the tail end.

Verdict: Many think when they see “Maple finished” that means it has Maple syrup added directly to it. In actuality the whiskey is finished in emptied Maple Barrels (casks). The taste should impart into the Whiskey through the saturated wood. With the thickness of this Whiskey it almost seems like sweeteners and maple were actually added, however it was not per comments from the distillery on social media. This is worth a pick-up. I think it’s solid as a very sweet sipper, but I found it was very good in sweeter cocktails. I also think it was priced fairly. One of the surprises is that this is Rye (which is usually dry and thin) and instead was very thick and sweet.

The Story: When I first moved to Michigan I was visiting a local liquor store. They told me the “best bourbon they’ve ever had” was a product that they had in stock from Eastern Kille. It as cask strength and toasted. I believe it was also single barrel. I purchased this product for $80ish. I can’t remember. I was not a fan. This kept me away from the distillery for a while until one day I was in downtown Grand Rapids and went directly to the distillery because I was in the area (which I now hear will be relocating). They make good cocktails using their standard products and it was very good. It turned me back onto the distillery after my initial bad impression.

The Distillery’s Story: Based in Grand Rapids MI. They were once known as “Gray Skies” up until 2020. I believe a name change was needed due to naming rights issues (from what I hear). In 2020 they rebranded to Eastern Kille. I haven’t spoken directly to the distillery, but per a source of mine they started out with basic non-aged spirits like Gin and Vodka. This was their bread and butter until they had a chance to age Whiskies long enough to sell them from distillation to bottle. I respect this approach. Many distilleries in MI source their product from outside and rebrand to get their footing. Eastern Kille didn’t do that.


Head to Head Results against Iron Fish Maple Finished Bourbon:

 I wish I could call a clear winner, but instead I have to call it a win by split decision. I’ll break down below.

– Best Sipper: I’d have to give this one to Iron Fish. It was thinner and less sweet. You can get the maple in the taste but it feels less syrupy.
– More Complex: This one goes to Eastern Kille. The rye mixed with the maple gave it more complex flavors. Both have a young feel to them, but the rye vs the bourbon seems like the best mix. Just wish it was thinner.
Better in a cocktail: By an Inch, Eastern Kille. I tried both in an Old Fashioned and Eastern Kille was better. When I imparted some Hickory Smoke to give each cocktail some complexity they were a tie.
– Most Balanced: I give this one to Iron Fish. Iron Fish was simple, but very well balanced. The maple is an accent vs a dominant.
– Overall Winner: Once again by an Inch.. Iron Fish. Iron fish seemed better blended and imparted the Maple slightly better. Eastern Kille is Maple/Honey dominant and true to it’s name is a Breakfast Rye. Mix it with some OJ and it’s surprisingly good. I’d like to try Eastern Kille with slightly less time in the Maple Barrel or at higher proof. Iron Fish has a barrel proof version of the Maple finish and it’s on my list to try.


Methodologies for Rating:
1. Dump it down the drain or regift it to someone you don’t care for.
2. This doesn’t even belong in a mixed drink. Use in case of an emergency.
3. It’s really not for me, but I heard some people like it.
4. Its only good when I’ve had too many and it’s decent in a mixer.
5. Solid. It hit all of what’s expected.
6. Above average. Good to bring to an event and you wouldn’t expect any guff from it.
7. Buy two if you see it to make sure you have one on reserve.
8. Very Very good. Constantly a GREAT POUR.
9. Superb. If I were to drink this and only this from now on I’d be a happy person.
10. Perfection is impossible. But this really comes as close as you can possibly get.

Nose, Palate, and Finish I rank regardless of cost. Value (recent addition) is ranked based on taste vs price.


Reviewer: David S
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