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Review: Heaven’s Door – Decade Series – 10 Year

Heaven's Door - Decade Series - 10 Year










Heaven’s Door – Decade Series – 10 Year
Decade Series – Release 01
Age: 10 Years
Distillery: Distilled in TN – Bottled By Heaven’s Door Spirits
Type: Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Unknown – 51+% Corn, 20+% Rye
Heaven’s Door Spirits

*Disclaimer: A score of 5 is the midpoint for my reviews. Above 5 I like it. Below 5 I didn’t for some reason. Most of my reviews are between 4-7. It takes something really really special to go above 7 or below 4. See the methodologies for rating at the end of the article

Nose: A classic Bourbon nose, but with more oomph. Caramel, Oak & Cedar, Cinnamon & All Spice, Creamy Vanilla & Cherries. A nice swirl and the flavor profile really comes out and delivers to the nose, more so than a standard Bourbon at the same proof. There’s a slight bit of Mustiness that carries through on the nose. I like a bit of Mustiness on the nose as it replicates one of my favorite smells ever, the inside of a nice Rickhouse.

Taste/Palate: Creamy Vanilla and Caramel start us off. The palate rounds out and delivers Charred Oak, A little Leather, and a mixture of Dark Fruits.

Finish: .The finish quickly transitions from Sweet and Bold to a bit more spice. The Rye, All Spice, and Cinnamon step in a take over the show. There’s still some Sweet and Bold in the background, but it’s now muted. Lingering on the mouth the Spice fades and you’re left with a pleasant taste of Oak and Vanilla on the tongue.

Verdict: I enjoyed this pour and it didn’t disappoint. The MSRP is not out of line (Standard pricing now has $10 a year as “fair”). You can compare to Weller 12 at a MSRP of $40 and take exception to the $10 per year rule, but pours like Weller 12 are an exception to the rule not a standard. Overall I think the proof was on point and 10 Years of aging did this dram well. I’m on the fence if I’d buy again though. I’m happy I have the bottle that I purchased and don’t regret it at all, however I don’t think that it reached the “must have behind the bar status”.
MSRP: It’s fairly priced at $99. Price Ceiling: I don’t think I’d pay over the MSRP on this one, If it’s $129 next year I’d seriously consider passing on it based on what my impression was from Release 1

The Story: I’ve had the standard Heaven’s Door offerings before, but never got around to reviewing them. I saw this 10 year and decided to give it a go. 10-15 year old bourbon is an age that many consider a sweet spot. You go over 15 years and there’s the possibility it’s aged too long and the oak in the barrel overpower other characteristics too much. Here we are. Our first go at Heaven’s Door. I had the Bootleg bottle in my hand late last year, considering pulling the trigger, but I just couldn’t justify the cost.

The Distillery’s Story: The Bob Dylan Brand. The customer gates designed by Dylan are displayed on each bottle. They currently source their whiskey from an unknown distillery in TN. They have a physical distillery now located in downtown Nashville, TN. Their location is housed in a 160 year old former church.

About the Bottle: “Introducing the limited edition Heaven’s Door Decade Series. This 10-year Bourbon is the first release in a trailblazing new collection of premium whiskeys, curated out of a true labor of dedication and patience over time. Every drop of this bourbon tells a story about the importance of time, age, and maturation.”

Methodologies for Rating:
1. Dump it down the drain or regift it to someone you don’t care for.
2. This doesn’t even belong in a mixed drink. Use in case of an emergency.
3. It’s really not for me, but I heard some people like it.
4. Its only good when I’ve had too many and it’s decent in a mixer.
5. Average. Not bad, but not special.
6. Above average. Good to bring to an event and you wouldn’t expect any guff from it.
7. Buy two if you see it to make sure you have one on reserve.
8. Very Very good. Constantly a GREAT POUR.
9. Superb. If I were to drink this and only this from now on I’d be a happy person.
10. Perfection is impossible. But this really comes as close as you can possibly get.


Reviewer: David S
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