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Review: Jack Daniels – Single Barrel Select – Tennessee Whiskey

Jack Daniels - Single Barrel Select - Tennessee Whiskey










Jack Daniels – Single Barrel Select – Tennessee Whiskey
Collection: Barrel # 21-032209 Bottled on 4-12-21
Proof: 94
Age: NAS (Tends to be 5.5 – 6 Years)
Distillery: Jack Daniel Distillery
Type: American (Tennessee Whiskey)
Mash: 80% Corn / 12% Malted Barley / 8% Rye
Website: Jack Daniels

*Disclaimer: A score of 5 is the midpoint for my reviews. Above 5 I like it. Below 5 I didn’t for some reason. Most of my reviews are between 4-7. It takes something really really special to go above 7 or below 4. See the methodologies for rating at the end of the article

Nose: Bananas, Honey, Vanilla Bean, Nutmeg, Mild Carmel.

Taste/Palate: Immediately pick up bananas again. I’m not surprised I get this from Gentleman Jack too. Mouthfeel is smooth and mellow with a medium feel. There’s not a lot going on, but it’s very clean and holds itself well. After the initial Banana taste this rolls into Honey butter, Caramel, and Vanilla. I don’t pick up much Char or Oak.

Finish:  There’s a slight alcohol burn at the end of the palate and the beginning of the finish. Still mellow for 47%. This pour has a sweet finish with Honey again, but a more noticeable American whiskey standard Caramel and Vanilla in the finish.

Verdict: With the fruit profile of Bananas it’s certainly unique to Jack Daniels. It’s very well rounded and balanced, but it does present itself as younger than it is. I’d like a little more char and oak out of this, but as it stands I wouldn’t turn my nose up at it. If you were to bring this to a gathering I can’t see anyone having a problem with this bottle. It’s safe and honestly has a great taste, just don’t expect it to blow your socks off. If I’m being 100% honest I’d personally save $20 and pick up Gentleman Jack over this Single Barrel Select. Not due to taste, but it’s a better value buy.

The Story: I have had single barrel many times and it’s always a crowd pleaser. If I’m looking to make an “up-scale” cocktail this fits the bill. It makes a great base for cocktails or pleasant when enjoying on the rocks or neat. Another important factor is that I can almost always find it on the shelf. Part of the reason why I’m reviewing this guy is to do a head to head against the Eric Church selection. Jack Daniels Eric Church Select will be my next review.

The Distillery’s Story: I’m sure you’ve all heard of Jack Daniels. There’s 100s of songs about Jack, Tennessee whiskey, etc. I’ll keep the story of the distillery short and sweet. Where Jack Daniels is unique… Is it a Bourbon? This is a topic not discussed in country songs or on Jack Daniels ads. There’s a whiskey aficionado debate as to whether Jack Daniels is bourbon or not. Technically…. Jack Daniels checks all the boxes to be considered Bourbon. Where they vary, they do a unique Process where they filter their white dog through a 10 foot column of Maple Sugar charcoal to smooth everything out before dumping into a barrel to age. They call that process “mellowing”. This is what makes them unique.

Now back to the question. Is Jack Daniels a Bourbon? The answer is this… Jack Daniels doesn’t want to be considered Bourbon. They want to be classified as “Tennessee Whiskey” even if they check all the Bourbon boxes. They even went as far as to lobby the federal government to prevent them to be FORCED to classify their product as Bourbon.


Methodologies for Rating:
1. Dump it down the drain or regift it to someone you don’t care for.
2. This doesn’t even belong in a mixed drink. Use in case of an emergency.
3. It’s really not for me, but I heard some people like it.
4. Its only good when I’ve had too many and it’s decent in a mixer.
5. Solid. It hit all of what’s expected.
6. Above average. Good to bring to an event and you wouldn’t expect any guff from it.
7. Buy two if you see it to make sure you have one on reserve.
8. Very Very good. Constantly a GREAT POUR.
9. Superb. If I were to drink this and only this from now on I’d be a happy person.
10. Perfection is impossible. But this really comes as close as you can possibly get.

Nose, Palate, and Finish I rank regardless of cost. Value (recent addition) is ranked based on taste vs price.


Reviewer: David S
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